RMYC Competent Crew Course
Assumed Knowledge: None Minimum age: 18
This course is suitable both for beginners and for sailors with some experience on dinghies who would like to try keelboat racing.
Instruction will be on keelboats designed for a crew of between two and four, and there will normally be only one trainee on board at a time. The level of training can therefore be tailored to the needs of the individual trainee.

Course Content
The course will begin with a series of three evening classes, covering the basics of crewing in the types of keelboat that we sail at RMYC. This will include preparing the boat for sailing; raising the sails; crew operations needed for control of the jib and mainsail; trimming the sails; tacking and gybing; flying the spinnaker; leaving and picking up a mooring; stowing the sails; leaving the boat in a safe and tidy condition and basic knots.
Following the evening classes, trainees will become temporary members of RMYC for the season, and will have the opportunity to join the crew in each of the club’s three classes of keelboat: Mylnes, Etchells and Squibs. At least six outings are guaranteed, two in each class; however it’s likely that there will be many more opportunities than that, as skippers are frequently looking for crew. For each trainee, one of the boat owners will be assigned to act as mentor and coach during this period. Outings can be arranged at mutually convenient times, but of course sailing on the Mersey is governed by the tides and the weather.
The course is based on the RYA Competent Crew syllabus, but our keelboats are designed for sailing as a sport, and thus don’t have engines. We cannot therefore include all the aspects of engine maintenance covered in the standard RYA course, but we do include leaving and picking up a mooring, in a tidal stream, without an engine.
Course Fees
Members: Free of Charge (Competent Crew booklet at cost)
Non-members: £210 (including RYA Competent Crew booklet and temporary RMYC Membership for the season)
New members are, of course, always welcome.
If you’re interested in this course, please contact:
Upcoming Course:
- The next set of evening classes will be held on 2, 9 and 16 April 2025
- Multiple opportunities to crew throughout the season