Your Club Needs You

Club Laws have been carefully designed to ensure that the Club is always run by its members. The General Committee is in overall charge of the club management and there are several other committees in place to run the key functions of the Club. The “House and Pier” has two sections looking after the social occasions and the building respectively, with Sailing and Race Management committees hopefully being self-explanatory. All of these groups are interested in new ideas and enthusiastic new members. In particular, to keep the officers under control, the Laws stipulate that there should be nine ‘ordinary’ members on the General Committee. Owing to past unexpected losses more than the usual three new members will need to be elected at the March AGM. Have you ever thought: Why don’t “They” do something? Please do consider joining one of these committees to play your full part in the running of the club.

Members are invited to contact the Commodore, John Collingwood, or Hon. Sec. Allan Dinwoodie, for more information.

